A Cat in Toronto

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I get to sleep tonight! Weep weep (tears of joy) :')

Well, after three nights of getting less than 5 hours of sleep and not making up for lost time with naps, I'm finally able to sleep tonight! (So happy.) Yesterday I had a paper and an art proposal due. Today I had an Egyptian assignment. Now that that's all done I get to relax a little. Time to put on the jammies, plop myself in front of the tv and watch some Inuyasha.

BTW Bruce, I liked your comment on Mir's blog about blowing yourself up with the right vibrating frequency. I've yet to find the right frequency to make me explode. ;) (I felt bad about posting that on Mir's blog so I'm writing it here instead.)

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.


  • I had the same thought process re: Mir's blog. I don't know why she even mentioned "vibration" with us pervs frequenting her corner of the weeb.

    By Blogger ghanima, at 2/07/2007 4:00 PM  

  • I couldn't help it one of the first things that pops in my head when teh topic of vibration and frequency comes up is resonance (it's the physics nerd in me).

    I seems that Kevin doesn't have the same self restraint that you guys do though.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/08/2007 11:41 AM  

  • This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/08/2007 3:06 PM  

  • Kevin, wouldn't it be ironic if your comment disappeared mysteriously?

    By Blogger Caty, at 2/09/2007 5:06 PM  

  • Sonofa!!!!

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 2/10/2007 1:54 PM  

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